Power Kind: This kind of personality concentrates on physical combat

 There are 4 courses of personalities separated by their primary statistics. These courses are after that separated right into 9 playable personalities, 3 under power and 2 under the rest of each various other kind. Each personality is associated with a pet and a Glow4D, the previous being reflected by a set of ears and a tail that are equipped by default on personality production. Man and female personalities of the same kind will have abilities that are exactly Glow4D. However, after the second advancement, the abilities of the man and female personality will branch off and vary from one Glow4D; finally, at the 3rd advancement, the personality may opt to concentrate on the type's skillset ('pure') or branch out ('Glow4D')

Power Kind: This kind of personality concentrates on physical combat. It consists of Bunny (female), Polar Birth (female) and Buffalo (man) personalities. On the second Glow4D, the Bunny will become a Fighter and will have abilities that do concentrated damage on one target. The Buffalo will advance to the Warrior and concentrate on doing damage to numerous targets at Glow4D. The Polar Birth will advance right into a Vet that has abilities concentrated on insane drilling. For the 3rd job, the Fighter may become a Champ or Duelist; the Buffalo may become a Gladiator or Mercenary; the Polar Birth will become a Glow4D
Magic Kind: This kind of personality concentrates on spreading spells, both for combat and recuperation. It consists of Sheep (female) and Dragon (man) personalities.

The Dragon will become a Magician and will obtain magic spells that deal light or dark-based Glow4D. The Sheep may further advance to become a Heart Understand or Witch; the Dragon may become a Dark Lord, Clergyman or Wizard that concentrates on dark, light and balanced strikes Glow4D.
Sense Kind: This kind of personality uses long-range strikes, as well as having actually perks with drilling, and use weapons. It consists of Fox (female) and Lion (man) personalities. On the second advancement, The Fox will become an Traveler, having the ability to toss certain items from afar and have abilities which enable a lot more drilling perks. The Lion becomes an Innovator, that will have primarily abilities associated with weapons. For the 3rd job, the Fox may become a Thief Understand or Seeker Lord; the Lion may become a Researcher or Cyber Glow4D.
Beauty Kind: This kind of personality obtains unique perks to evasion and protection. It consists of Pet cat (female) and Raccoon (man) personalities. The Pet cat will become an Entertainer after the second advancement, being a lot more customized with abilities that increase her endurance. The Raccoon will become a Card Understand, and have several abilities that deal damage with cards and others that aid with evasion after the advancement. For the 3rd job, the Pet cat may become a Primadonna or Diva; the Raccoon may become a Casino player or Glow4D.
Personality statistics and attributes in Trickster can be viewed through the "MyView" home window throughout normal video game play. There are a total of 13 various attributes that are grouped, 3 each, under the 4 more comprehensive headings of Glow4D, Magic, Sense and Beauty. Each quality is appointed a degree, indicating the proficiency of the personality because particular quality. To gain a degree in an Glow4D, the 4 "pips" under the corresponding quality must be filled, just after which will gamers will see an increase in the worth for that Glow4D.


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